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Liothyronine Sodium

Strength :
Muscle Gain :
Water/Fat Loss :
Side Effects :
Keep Gains :

Package Contents:
- 10 tablets x 1 blister, 10 blister in box.
- 100 tablets in sachet.

Dosage Form: 25 mcg / Tab
Effective Dose: 25 - 50 mcg in every other day
Use for: Cycle Period

What is Cytomel T3

Cytomel is not a typical compound used by bodybuilders or athletes. Instead, it's a synthetic form of thyroid hormone called triiodothyronine (T3), which our bodies naturally produce and regulate through metabolism. The brand name for this synthetic version? Liothyronine sodium, also known as Cytomel!

This synthetic T3 is very similar to the original triiodothyronine hormone, but not the same. Slight variations in its chemical structure have resulted in Cytomel having a high oral absorption rate and increased potency.

The common health problem of hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland cannot produce enough hormones to operate normally. With Cytomel (T3), individuals can treat this condition.

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid hormone does not work correctly. Therefore, people with Hypothyroidism experience slow and gradual weight gain and fatigue from lack of energy or movement, affecting metabolism. However, Cytomel was explicitly developed for athletes who desired an extra edge against their competition. By boosting one's metabolic rate, one can burn fat more efficiently than before!

Cytomel is not meant to be a magic weight-loss pill but rather an aid in optimizing your metabolism.

The use of Cytomel by professional athletes is not currently prohibited, but its lack of performance-enhancing effects makes it unlikely that this drug will appeal to many sports stars.

Benefits of Cytomel T3

Cytomel is used to treat people who have low thyroid hormones. It's a tried and true way of regulating metabolism, so those without it often find themselves gaining weight in addition to their normal body fat levels.

Cytomel T3 is the most effective thyroid hormone for fat loss because it provides positive benefits in promoting an efficient metabolism. Anyone will want to use this drug if they have a low natural production rate or are experiencing symptoms related to hypothyroidism.

The main benefit of Cytomel is that it will encourage fat loss. However, this could be a concern for some people since its only other purpose in treating hypothyroidism, and not much else has been shown to affect weight gain or lean muscle mass building when taken by itself. There are plenty of reasons why one would want to lose body fat, such as prevention from heart disease, which comes with being overweight.

The body will burn more fat, and the metabolism of the natural T3 hormone helps with this, without the need for any diets or exercise for it. Simply taking supplements like those is enough!

While Cytomel helps with losing fat, it is possible to lose muscle while supplementing. The higher metabolic rate will not take preference for burning fat. Users often report a loss in lean body mass when using the drug - especially if you have been exercising regularly or otherwise building up your strength before starting these supplements.

Losing muscles while supplementing with Cytomel T3 is a significant problem for bodybuilders and athletes who want their muscles to get bigger without sacrificing any hard-earned muscle. To avoid this issue, most Cytomel users will add anabolic steroids and take care not only about retaining lean mass but also gaining more strength to compete at higher levels!

Cytomel T3 and bodybuilding

The recommended maximum length of time to continually use Cytomel should be no longer than ten weeks. However, most users will find that even 6-8 weeks provides good results, while others have extended their cycle out as far as 12 or 14-week treatment plans with great success. However, prolonged use has risk factors like one becoming dependent on this external source of hormones and side effects.

*Please note that doctors do not recommend these due to the risks associated with any medical condition where there isn't enough production occurring naturally, such as hypothyroidism.*

After stopping Cytomel, it can take up to two weeks for your thyroid gland's output of hormones (especially thyroxine). So a low dose and an extended time frame are wise ways to avoid a sudden drop in the number or function of these critical cells that regulate how fast you age!

Taking 25mcg daily for the last week of your cycle is ideal. However, it would be best to take it once per day and at a similar time each day, so you maintain supply consistency throughout this entire month-long process.

Cytomel T3 and a typical cycle

Cytomel on its own is very simple. However, it's highly advisable for first-time users to start at the lowest dose and then increase their cycle as needed with increased doses between each one until finished. Once done, decreasing back down again near the end of the cycle, the result should be notable!

This process allows individuals to assess their reaction to T3, including side effects. In addition, decreasing the dose for the final portion of the cycle and then increasing it again without taking any more medication will restore a body's natural thyroid hormone function.

A beginner cycle could look like the following:

  • Week 1-2: 25mcg daily
  • Week 3-7: 37.5-75mcg daily increased by 12.5-25mcg each time
  • Week 8-10: Decrease the dosage back down to 25mcg

With this cycle, an individual could go up to 8 weeks without interruptions in the daily dosage. Whether it's one big dose or smaller ones throughout the day, there is no need for splitting because each administration will be taken as planned and at once!

If you're an anabolic steroid user, there is no better way to combat the potential muscle loss effects of your use than by taking a powerful compound like Cytomel. While on this drug, users will be able to retain or build more of their muscles while simultaneously burning fat away for good measure!

A Cytomel dosage from 50mcg and above boosts the metabolic rate, making it likely to reduce muscle loss. However, this is where a steroid compound included in your cycle provides excellent benefits! A simple testosterone steroid is often enough to provide anabolic protection when using Cytomel, but many users will want to add more powerful anabolics.

A sample cycle is as follow:

This cycle will allow Cytomel to kick in for eight weeks, while steroids can work the entire 12. With both protection and muscle-building abilities, this is an excellent option! Note that it is assumed only advanced users will be combining steroids with Cytomel. Hence, the drug's gradual increase and decrease aren't necessary for these cycles as beginners may find this strategy challenging.

Team Bodytech final thought!

By adding Cytomel to a steroid stack, it will help increase muscle mass and possibly decrease fat, but there are also other benefits. The importance of the input cannot be overstated. Individuals are going to want an eating and exercise program that is conducive to their desired results!

Cytomel will help you burn more calories, even if it's not the actual drug. As your metabolic rate increases because of this supplement - which means that Cytomel can break down food twice as fast and be burned for fuel faster than ever before-you'll start seeing fat cells shrink significantly in just weeks!

Active Life: 2-1/2 days
Half Life: 2-1/2 days