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Bodytech, Steroid, anabolic, clenbuterol, fatburn, buildmuscle, clen
Strength :
Muscle Gain :
Water/Fat Loss :
Side Effects :
Keep Gains :

Package Contents:
- 50 tablets x 1 blister, 2 blister in box.
- 100 tablets in sachet.

Dosage Form: 40 mcg / Tab
Effective Dose: 40 - 160 mcg in every other day
Use for: Cycle Period

History of Clenbuterol

Though we do not have a clear history of creating Clenbuterol, this product got its name sometime in the 1970s. Therefore, the original formula for this product must've been discovered either during or before that decade. Clenbuterol as a performance enhancer has been marketed under various names such as Dilaterol, Spiropent, and Ventipulmin. It is also affectionately known by its nickname 'Clen.' Any name related to this drug being mentioned must be construed that the person in question is using or purchasing steroids for their muscle-building properties.

What is Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol is an asthma drug for horses and was later found to be effective in human bodybuilders. Athletes use it due to its potential weight loss and muscle-building properties. In addition, athletes use Clenbuterol because it helps reduce the amount of fat in their bodies while simultaneously increasing lean tissue development through increased red blood cell production.

Clenbuterol stimulates the heart and central nervous system. It has a similar effect on the body as epinephrine or amphetamines. However, it is not a stimulant itself because it does not increase noradrenaline levels directly. Instead, Clenbuterol can be used therapeutically to treat asthma symptoms by opening up airways to facilitate breathing abilities during intense exercise or activities that may trigger an attack for those who suffer from this condition. Some athletes abuse this drug for its performance-enhancing properties despite warnings against such use due to potential side effects, including muscle cramps/spasms and increased blood pressure, resulting in cardiovascular issues if taken inappropriately without physician guidance.

Benefits of Clenbuterol in bodybuilding

Clenbuterol has several benefits, but one of the most important for those who want to lose weight may be its ability to increase a person's metabolism. Boosting metabolism is something that many dieters struggle with as their bodies often slowly adapt and lower metabolic rates after a period on restrictive diets or low-calorie intake, even if muscle mass remains stable. By using Clenbuterol, bodybuilders can retain both muscle mass and strength at once while still losing fat!

The same receptors activated when taking a prescribed dosage of this drug as an asthma treatment help the individual's body burn off excess calories and increase muscle mass instead of storing them as fat cells. Athletes who use Clen daily typically take 60-120 milligrams per day. Still, it can be taken alongside other performance-enhancing anabolic steroids too, or just on its own.

Clenbuterol has become the latest weight loss drug to hit Hollywood, and it's also a top choice of athletes who are looking for a performance boost. However, this is not enough, so some people use Clen as an additional stack option or cycle dosage to get even better effects.

The best stack options with Clen include other fat burners such as Cytomel T3, Anavar HGH, Winstrol, which help further increase body temperature and metabolism rate. For more info or recommendations, please visit our stack page.

Fat-loss benefits

Clenbuterol stimulates the Central Nervous System (CNS), increasing adrenaline output and raising your body temperature by up to 1 degree. In an attempt to maintain homeostasis, your body then triggers a sweat response to cool itself back down again.

By keeping the body at a cooler temperature, Clenbuterol increases metabolic rate. In return, this means that users are burning more calories with everyday activities than usual when on Clenbuterol. As they eat less food while using this drug, it is easier for them to lose weight and burn fat since their metabolism has increased naturally through taking this medication.

The direct fat-burning effects of Clenbuterol are similar to other beta-2 agonists, accelerating the conversion of triglycerides into free fatty acids.

Benefits of increased blood flow

Clenbuterol helps bodybuilders increase their muscular endurance so they can perform more reps than usual in less time. This medication increases adrenaline levels, thus shifting the body into fight-or-flight mode and increasing blood flow throughout the entire system as it prepares for danger or fast movement. In addition, the increased circulation helps muscles perform more repetitions without exhausting too quickly (in less time).

Some individuals may think that bigger is better, but this isn't always the case. For example, pumps (the term for how your muscles look when you're lifting weights) can become larger due to increased blood circulation to the muscle itself rather than because of new muscle growth. Larger pumps and more reps indirectly help build new muscle; stretching fascia - connective tissue around a specific area or body part- also helps. Fascia gets tighter over time if it's not stretched out, so making sure there are enough stretches will keep those little guys loose!

Muscle pumps are essential for muscle growth. When you work out your muscles, they expand and contract against the deep fascia which surrounds them. The more flexible this tissue becomes, the more significant potential for hypertrophy [the medical term refers to an increase in a cell or organism]. Clenbuterol can help ensure that our tissues remain supple enough, so we get more significant gains from working out!

Enhanced energy benefits

Stimulants are present in pre-workouts due to the intense workout they provide. They cause an increase of adrenaline within your body which gives you a surge of energy and increases your endurance levels. In addition, the caffeine in pre-workouts stimulates the central nervous system, causing a burst of energy by releasing adrenaline.

Clenbuterol is a powerful stimulant, so much that people say it gives them "wings." However, this high-energy effect doesn't last forever. People who use Clen lose their wings and crash down hard with low energy after the initial highs wear off; they become dependent on Clen to feel normal again.

High energy levels on Clenbuterol can also help burn more fat; due to workouts becoming more intense. For example, you may perform HIIT for 15 minutes on a stationary bike, but it will be possible to extend this time up to 20+ minutes with Clenbuterol comfortably.

Appetite suppression benefits

Clenbuterol has a stimulating effect on beta-2 adrenergic receptors, which can affect satiety levels in humans. Thus, individuals may not feel as hungry throughout the day; despite burning more calories. In addition, this stimulating effect can indirectly assist with further fat loss due to users being less likely to cave in, and binge eats their favorite high-calorie foods.

Clenbuterol has many benefits to someone who struggles with "dieting." Individuals will naturally feel full for a more extended time, causing them to eat smaller portions without dieting or working out excessively.


Clenbuterol comes with a diuretic effect, which burns fat and removes excess water in the body. This effect makes you look visibly leaner and increases muscle tone, so it is essential to drink lots of fluids during Clen usage to replace lost sodium that causes dehydration and muscle cramps.

Although most of the lost pounds return post-cycle (after stopping use), this side effect is temporary and not worth it for some individuals considering using Clenbuterol.

No testosterone Suppression The biggest drawback of anabolic steroids is the stopping of natural testosterone production.

After a typical steroid cycle, endogenous levels can take several weeks or months to return to normal.

In contrast with anabolic steroids, Clenbuterol is not associated with a decreased testosterone. That's why no PCT is needed, and you don't have to worry about losing your gains from using it.

How to take Clenbuterol

When starting with Clenbuterol, the general recommended daily dose for males is 40 mcg and 20 mcg for females. Clenbuterol has a half-life of 34 hours, but its effects on the body last significantly longer. However, to avoid unwanted side effects, you should start on a lower dosage than this that will gradually increase throughout your cycle to account for the chemical's unique metabolism in humans.

Side effects of Clenbuterol

The side effects of Clenbuterol are similar to those associated with amphetamines, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Shaking
  • Headaches
  • Abnormal sweating and raised body temperature.

Clenbuterol is especially dangerous for anyone with existing heart issues or high blood pressure because it can lead to chronic atrial fibrillation. Clenbuterol also raises resting heart rate excessively, which leads to permanent scarring in these susceptible individuals.

While Clenbuterol can help prepare for a sporting event, it does have the potential to increase anxiety. If this is not managed effectively, mental health may become impaired due to heightened arousal of the central nervous system's fight or flight mode.

High levels of CNS stimulation have been linked to depression due to the subsequent 'come down' effect. For example, Clenbuterol boosts dopamine in people's brains initially, but as they build tolerance or stop taking it, their dopamine drops, and this can cause them significant depressive symptoms.

Unfortunately, we can't always control the amount of Clenbuterol that gets into our system since its half-life lasts 35 hours! Some experts recommend taking Clenbuterol earlier, so your body metabolizes more by night time. However, this isn't very sustainable either because you will need higher doses at different times throughout the day or even multiple days if taken consecutively without breaks.

Team Bodytech final thought!

Individuals with previous heart problems or who already have high blood pressure shouldn't even consider taking Clenbuterol.

Ultimately, Clenbuterol is not the only choice to lose body fat. Anyone can easily achieve this with a strict diet.

Taking Clenbuterol will undoubtedly assist in burning more fat.

For those with a substantial amount of body fat can stack Clenbuterol with other fat burning steroids such as:

Stacking steroids together like this usually results in much better long-term gains. See our stack page for recommendations.

Active Life: 36-48 hours
Half Life: 36-48 hours